Use Case

Telecom Product Trial Environment

The AT&T AMS Product Trial Environment (PTE) allows current and potential AT&T customers to evaluate AT&T Advanced Mobility Solutions in a live production environment prior to purchase. Through a self-serve environment, customers can view product documentation, try the products and services through trial accounts, use APIs available through the production environment, and evaluate AMS products and services.

Environment to showcase AT&T’s Advanced Solutions products.

Current Challenge

The Business Need

Prior to the AT&T AMS PTE, there was no product trial environment to showcase AT&T’s Advanced Solutions products. If customers requested a product trial, they would be onboarded to the partner production platform, and it usually took weeks to process the contract and paper work before the customers could use these products.

The objective of the Product Trial Environment is to increase revenue by driving sales of the existing Advanced Solutions cross-carrier products.


Enterprise Segment

Position AT&T as the leader in the enterprise segment by empowering our enterprise customers with innovative technologies



Grow revenue by capturing a share of the growth in mobile application development


Technology Tools

Differentiate our offer by enabling a deeper set of technology tools, access to enterprise customers information and the ability to deploy applications on more platforms



Reduce barriers to access AT&T tools and services.



Reduce development complexity and drive adoption by providing a production-like environment for product trials



Evangelize the advantages of our unique product features and value propositions



Offering attractive services to enterprise developers and partners to build and deliver sophisticated enterprise solutions



Increase product revenues by shortening the sales cycle and enable up-sell or cross-sell capabilities of AMS products.

Powered by the Plasma FUSION™ BPM Platform, Plasma deployed a Developer Onboarding Storefront that allows the developer to try AT&T AMS Product Trial Environment free of charge before they purchase a production license.

The Solution

Plasma’s Expertise

The AT&T Advanced MobilitySolutions Product Trial Environment provides business customers exclusive access to sample code, APIs and technical documentation for building mobile productivity solutions for enterprises of all sizes. Solutions include mobile application development tools, messaging solutions, mobile marketing and supply chain solutions and location identification solutions.

By signing up, business customers can design, prototype, and test dynamic mobility solutions. AT&T Advanced Mobility Solutions portfolio features:

AT&T Global Smart Messaging Suite (GSMS) API,

AT&T Location Information Services APIs,

AT&T Messaging Toolkit APIs

AT&T Mobile Enterprise Application Development Platform (MEAP).

The Impact

Business/Operational Impact

By assisting customers to evaluate products and services in a live production environment, customer awareness of AT&T Advanced Solutions products and services are increased, mitigating perceived risks, which will lead to an increased likelihood of a sale.

Increase your product adoption rates and product revenues by shortening the sales cycle and enable up-sell or cross-sell capabilities of other products in the AT&T Advanced Solutions Portfolio.

Differentiate your offer by enabling a deeper set of technology tools, access to enterprise customers’ information and the ability to deploy applications on more platforms.

Developers can beta test their ideas/ applications before launching saving time, money, and resources; can integrate feedback into actual launch.

Empowers enterprise developers with access to mobile innovative technologies.

Enables businesses to experience the unique product features and mobile application development.