Once you’ve learned about business process re-engineering (BPR), it’s easy to wonder why you’d want to do it. After all, it can require some significant changes to your organizational structure. Are the payoffs worth it, or are you spending time and money on a process that will only bring a minimal amount of improvement?
To help ease your mind, here are the top 5 reasons to re-engineer your business processes :
1. Clarity of Purpose
The first step to any successful implementation of BPR is to be sure that you have a solid grasp on all of the aspects of your business, from mission statement to customer base. Going in with faulty information undermines the process, so you have to make sure that everything is what it should be.
It might seem strange to think about, but it’s not uncommon to find faulty information or assumptions somewhere within your business structure. Businesses change over time, whether it’s because of a changing market/industry or internal evolution, and, because of this, your goals and other important driving factors will too. While going through BPR, you can re-familiarize yourself with your business, making sure that all operations are oriented towards the correct goals and moving towards them by using the right information.
Also Read: 3 Reasons why BPM is Becoming More & More Important
2. Simple and Streamlined Operation
At the end of the business process re-engineering (BPR) process, you are left with a business that has streamlined its functions and cut out superfluous processes that used to slow things down. The result is that efforts become more directed towards the clear goals that you set out during BPR. Instead of jumping through hoops to get things done, employees can now take the shortest path between the start of a project and successful completion.
Careful analysis and reform of your business processes will cause daily operations to make more sense. With more logical processes, employees will find it easier to follow procedure and complete tasks. Instead of jumping through hoops, employees can work straight towards results. In addition, no one likes having inefficient processes forced upon them, so simpler operations can even increase employee satisfaction.
Also Read: How can Business Process Management Benefit a Business?
3. Increased Efficiency
Increased efficiency comes hand-in-hand with a streamlined operation. By paring down operations and tweaking processes, you cause things to move through your company both easier and faster, greatly increasing overall efficiency.
Instead of struggling through organizational red tape, employees have more time to perform meaningful work. Less time spend working through inefficient organizational structures means time better spent in the workplace.
4. Better Results and Products
Efficiency and focused goals allow you and your employees to put more energy towards your products, which will improve them. In addition, better organizational schemes and lines of communication foster improvement and innovation as well as insulating your business by making your company more reactive, improving results all around.
Re-engineering your processes provides improvement in all areas of your business, and those improvements trickle down to your product.
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5. More Profit
All of these results come together to bring more profit to your business:
- Lower operational costs as a result of streamlining and eliminating some processes
- Better organization and goals creating more productive (and maybe happier) employees
- Better products driving more sales
There are many benefits to BPR, and it can help any business. If you’re interested in BPR solutions, talk to Plasma today to hear about our innovative solutions like the automated Plasma Fusion™ BPM (Business Process Management platform).